Our retained search and recruitment consultants work with real estate investors across multiple strategies, geographies and sizes. The key to our success is promoting the attractions of a career in real estate private equity to early career finance professionals, as well as leading targeted retained searches to deliver strategic senior hires.

Our real estate experts

Key Contact
Oliver Gilkes
Head of Middle East
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Building your leadership pipeline

Our retained search consultants develop a targeted approach to the market for senior and tactical hires. Diligent mapping and a targeted outreach to reference and access key players is vital in this diverse area.

Mid level hiring requires knowledge of the landscape and where change may result in a new source of people as well as a great cultural understanding of the client to promote the organisation as well as the role. Our team maintains market maps of the European Real Estate landscape to help pinpoint likely people for mid-level roles.

We are successful at bringing talented junior people into the Real Estate space as a result of our deep understanding of the roles and opportunities and abiltiy to distinguish those people who are likely to be committed ton building a career in the space. We hold workshops, produce articles and maintain resources which inform and educate the market on the opportunities in this space.
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Real Estate placements


Real Estate senior and mid-level searches


Associate & Analyst placements


Current open real estate positions

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